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Fallout: New Vegas - Ultimate Edition
Cette page en Français   Genre : Role-Playing Game  
Last update: 07/16/2014   Year : 2010  
Source: Chordian  Franchise : Fallout  


1: Goodsprings 00:44:48
409 kb
2: Goodsprings 02:56:28
571 kb
3: Mojave Wasteland 04:20:40
521 kb
4: Primm 05:18:06
680 kb
5: Nipton 07:39:07
791 kb
6: Mojave Wasteland 09:26:09
762 kb
7: Mojave Wasteland 09:51:56
873 kb
8: Dino Dee lite Front Desk 11:38:19
916 kb
9: Novac 13:38:37
861 kb
10: Mojave Wasteland 14:59:47
941 kb
11: Camp Forlorn Hope Command Center 16:40:47
991 kb
12: Boulder City 17:20:40
1.06 Mb
13: Pearl s Barracks 19:30:44
1.13 Mb
14: Nellis AFB 20:21:04
1.18 Mb
15: Camp McCarran 24:18:20
1.27 Mb
16: South Vegas Ruins 26:38:33
1.39 Mb
17: Hidden Valley 28:30:27
1.47 Mb
18: Mojave Wasteland 29:00:00
1.60 Mb
19: North Vegas Square 32:32:43
1.58 Mb
20: Old Mormon Fort 32:47:52
1.56 Mb
21: New Vegas Strip 35:02:21
1.66 Mb
22: New Vegas Strip 36:50:09
1.71 Mb
23: New Vegas Medical Clinic 38:02:17
1.69 Mb
24: Factory Floor 39:58:27
1.67 Mb
25: Freeside 41:50:03
1.81 Mb
26: Mojave Wasteland 43:02:12
1.70 Mb
27: Mojave Wasteland 44:45:33
1.82 Mb
28: Cottonwood Cove 49:29:51
1.96 Mb
29: The Fort 49:54:34
1.99 Mb
30: Securitron Vault 50:23:30
2.05 Mb
31: Securitron Vault 50:32:20
2.06 Mb
32: Lucky 38 51:23:05
2.09 Mb
33: Hidden Valley Bunker L1 51:43:20
2.03 Mb
34: Vault 11 53:01:01
2.06 Mb
35: Vault 11 Lower Level 53:54:09
2.15 Mb
36: Mojave Wasteland 54:58:55
2.17 Mb
37: Mojave Wasteland 56:11:34
2.05 Mb
38: Mojave Wasteland 57:08:19
2.22 Mb
39: Factory Floor 59:34:30
2.22 Mb
40: Mojave Wasteland 60:16:03
2.22 Mb
41: Vault 19 1st Floor 62:39:39
2.32 Mb
42: Black Mountain 64:01:30
2.37 Mb
43: Mojave Wasteland 65:53:55
2.46 Mb
44: Mojave Wasteland 69:25:56
2.66 Mb
45: Lucky 38 70:17:45
2.74 Mb
46: Hoover Dam 71:03:15
2.70 Mb
47: Lucky 38 71:12:51
2.75 Mb
48: Northern Passage 71:30:28
2.68 Mb
49: Zion Canyon 71:47:50
2.81 Mb
50: Eastern Virgin 72:23:22
2.74 Mb
51: Eastern Virgin 72:49:28
2.76 Mb
52: Zion Canyon 76:10:23
2.93 Mb
53: The Narrows 76:28:45
2.84 Mb
54: The Narrows 78:08:34
2.91 Mb
55: The Three Marys 78:23:17
2.82 Mb
56: Brotherhood of Steel Bunker 79:01:01
2.89 Mb
57: Villa 79:22:41
2.92 Mb
58: Villa Clinic 80:31:25
2.95 Mb
59: Villa 81:46:45
2.96 Mb
60: Salida del Sol North 83:43:19
2.96 Mb
61: Sierra Madre Lobby 83:57:21
2.98 Mb
62: Cantina Madrid 84:25:57
3.02 Mb
63: Sierra Madre Lobby 85:34:02
3.09 Mb
64: Sierra Madre Vault 85:37:49
3.07 Mb
65: Sierra Madre Vault 85:46:37
3.02 Mb
66: Sierra Madre Vault 85:58:22
3.08 Mb
67: Mojave Wasteland 86:33:02
3.04 Mb
68: Big MT 86:40:28
3.07 Mb
69: Big MT 88:02:14
3.12 Mb
70: X 2 Transmitter Antenna Array 91:07:57
3.25 Mb
71: X 13 Stealth Testing Lab 92:03:07
3.20 Mb
72: The Sink 92:51:14
3.31 Mb
73: Big MT 97:01:14
3.42 Mb
74: Think Tank 98:01:02
3.41 Mb
75: The Divide 98:26:43
3.41 Mb
76: Hopeville 99:15:43
3.37 Mb
77: The High Road 100:58:19
3.45 Mb
78: The High Road 101:46:53
3.48 Mb
79: The Divide 102:30:36
3.53 Mb
80: The Divide 103:15:43
3.63 Mb
81: Maintenance and Storage 103:54:40
3.60 Mb
82: Ulysses Temple 104:10:41
3.65 Mb
83: Lucky 38 104:43:05
3.68 Mb
Download all the savegames
File size : 213 Mb

About the savegames

Default folder : FalloutNV\Saves\
Language : English
Difficulty level : -
Version of the game : Ultimate Edition
Third party software : Steam
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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