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Two Worlds II: Pirates of the Flying Fortress
Cette page en Français   Genre : Role-Playing Game  
Last update: 07/22/2014   Year : 2011  
Source: Chordian  Franchise : Two Worlds  


1: Start
262 kb
2: Shipwreck
528 kb
3: Maren's Workshop
549 kb
4: Northwestern island
580 kb
5: Cemetery
493 kb
6: Bailiff and minions
394 kb
7: The Study
382 kb
8: The Archives
394 kb
9: Lighthouse dungeon
386 kb
10: Uncovered all islands
488 kb
11: The Archives (inside)
386 kb
12: Basilisk
453 kb
13: Basilisk's Lair
339 kb
14: Undead Dance Club
367 kb
15: Casket of Embers
363 kb
16: Gargoyle
373 kb
17: Lovers' Conspiracy
458 kb
18: The treasure
292 kb
19: The Flying Fortress
289 kb
20: Nightmare
271 kb
21: Belgurak Forest
528 kb
22: Third area
323 kb
23: Defense mechanism boss
280 kb
24: Map to Happiness
391 kb
25: Treasure
298 kb
26: Map for Nanook
313 kb
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File size : 11.2 Mb

About the savegames

Default folder : C:\User\YOUR_WINDOWS_LOGIN\Saved Games\Two Worlds
Language : English
Difficulty level : Easy
Version of the game : 1.3.5
Third party software : Steam
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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