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Catalog *.* 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Cette page en Français   Genre : Puzzle  
Last update: 09/08/2020   Year : 2015  
Source: PC Savegames  Franchise : - 


1: Beginning of the journey (Tower 19/04/2020 00:27:32)
2: Got the first wooden statue (Tower 19/04/2020 00:39:44)
3: Rock column down (Docks 19/04/2020 00:44:01)
4: Got the second wooden statue (Docks 19/04/2020 00:47:06)
5: Giant fish down (Bridge 19/04/2020 01:01:01)
6: Got the red leaf (Bridge 19/04/2020 01:14:59)
7: Got the two coins (Docks 19/04/2020 01:17:07)
8: Sailed across the sea (Sanctuary 19/04/2020 01:18:44)
9: Got rid of the 1st monkey (Monkey Town 20/04/2020 00:08:49)
10: Fire is up (Monkey Town 20/04/2020 00:18:03)
11: Got a fossilized seed (Monkey Town 23/04/2020 00:18:43)
12: Saved the young monkey (Treetops 24/04/2020 23:26:20)
13: Got the blue mushroom (Treetops 03/05/2020 01:42:02)
14: First steps in the cave (Cave 03/05/2020 01:45:50)
15: Got a strange lever (Cave 03/05/2020 01:52:32)
16: Entering the Wakcha Camp (WakchaCamp 03/05/2020 01:59:37)
17: Got the three ingredients for the ritual (Cave 31/08/2020 22:22:43)
18: Got the fire burning for the blacksmith (Treetops 31/08/2020 22:29:00)
19: Saved the prisoner from the Wakcha (WakchaCamp 31/08/2020 22:42:47)
20: Got the two stones to open the stone door (WakchaCamp 31/08/2020 23:03:27)
21: Imprisoned in a cell (Cells 31/08/2020 23:17:28)
22: Arrival in a city (Bridge 31/08/2020 23:41:02)
23: Nut is broken (Bridge 02/09/2020 14:44:39)
24: Bridge is lowered (Bridge 02/09/2020 14:55:08)
25: Inside the wooden temple (WoodenTemple 02/09/2020 15:05:54)
26: Got the water flask from the cultist (WoodenTemple 02/09/2020 17:32:34)
27: Got the sphere from the merchant (Bridge 02/09/2020 18:34:42)
28: The arrow in the pillow (WoodenTemple 02/09/2020 23:45:44)
29: One cultist down (WoodenTemple 02/09/2020 23:57:31)
30: Let's free the others (WoodenTemple 02/09/2020 23:59:50)
31: To defeat Tezca (WoodenTemple 03/09/2020 00:08:18)
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About the savegames

Default folder : C:\Users\YOUR_WINDOWS_LOGIN\AppData\Local\Daedalic
Entertainment GmbH\CANDLE\
Language : English
Difficulty level : By default
Version of the game : 1.1.17
Third party software : GOG
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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