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Rayman Raving Rabbids
Cette page en Français   Genre : Action  
Last update: 11/21/2010   Year : 2006  
Source: Contributor  Franchise : Rayman  


1: Bunnies Don’t Give Gifts
2: Bunnies Don’t Know What to Do with Cows
3: Bunnies Like to Stuff Themselves
4: Bunnies are Fantastic Dancers
1: Bunnies Never Close Doors
2: Bunnies Can’t Jump
3: Bunnies are Addicted to Carrot Juice
4: Bunnies Love Disco Dancing
1: Bunnies Can’t Fly
2: Bunnies Don’t Use Toothpaste
3: Bunnies are Slow to React
4: Bunnies Just Wanna Have Fun
1: Bunnies Don’t Milk Cows
2: Bunnies Don’t Like Bats
3: Bunnies are A-mazing
4: Bunnies Get a Kick Out of Hip-Hop
1: Bunnies Have No Memory
2: Bunnies Rarely Leave Their Burrows
3: Bunnies are Bad at Peek-a-Boo
4: Bunninos dansa La Bamba
1: Bunnies are Heartless with Pigs
2: Bunnies are Over-Sensitive
3: Bunnies Have a Poor Grasp of Anatomy
4: Deep Down, Bunnies are Rockers
1: Bunnies Can’t Play Soccer
2: Bunnies Like Surprises
3: Bunnies are Slow to React, Part 2
4: Bunnies are Raving Mad
1: Bunnies Never Close Doors, Part 2
2: Bunnies Can’t Slide
3: Bunnies Have Natural Rhythm
4: Bunnies are Fantastic Dancers, Part 2
1: Bunnies Can’t Shear Sheep
2: Bunnies Don’t Like Being Shot At
3: Bunnies Have a Great Ear for Music
4: Bunnies Love Disco Dancing, Part 2
DAY 10
1: Bunnies Can’t Herd
2: Bunnies Don’t Milk Cows, Part 2
3: Bunnies are Heartless with Pigs, Part 2
4: Bunnies Just Wanna Have Fun, Part 2
DAY 11
1: Bunnies Don’t Sleep Well
2: Bunnies Rarely Leave Their Burrows, Part 2
3: Bunnies Don’t Like Bats, Part 2
4: Bunnies Get a Kick Out of Hip-Hop, Part 2
DAY 12
1: Bunnies Don’t Understand Bowling
2: Bunnies Can’t Slide, Part 2
3: Bunnies are Not Ostriches
4: Bunninos dansa La Bamba, Part 2
DAY 13
1: Bunnies are Slow to React, Part 3
2: Bunnies Can’t Jump, Part 2
3: Bunnies Have No Memory, Part 2
4: Deep Down, Bunnies are Rockers, Part 2
DAY 14
1: Bunnies are Ticklish
2: Bunnies Don’t Use Toothpaste, Part 2
3: Bunnies Can’t Fly, Part 2
4: Bunnies are Raving Mad, Part 2
DAY 15
1: Bunnies Only Fly Downwards
2: Bunnies Have Natural Rhythm, Part 2
3: Bunnies Like to Stuff Themselves, Part 2
4: Bunnies are Fantastic Dancers, Part 3
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File size : 4.14 kb

About the savegames

Default folder : Rayman Raving Rabbids\
Language : French
Difficulty level : By default
Version of the game : Retail
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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