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Ripley's Believe it or not !: The Riddle of Master Lu
Cette page en Français   Genre : Adventure  
Last update: 11/07/2010   Year : 1995  
Source: PC Savegames  Franchise : - 


1: A threatening snake
2: Posh Express office in New York
3: Arrival at Peiping
4: Got the Rebus Amulet
5: Got the helmet
6: Entering the Hall of Classics
7: Discussion with monk is over
8: Arrival at Danzig
9: Baron's castle
10: Baron von Seltsam has left
11: A cheap stamp
12: The cemetery
13: A secret safe in the billiard room
14: The laboratory
15: Got the Romanov emerald back
16: Metal cabinet opened
17: Outside in the garden
18: Got a key from Baron's tomb
19: Arrival at Sikkim
20: The guard lets me pass through
21: Prayer wheels replaced
22: The hidden path of knowledge
23: The end of the maze
24: Inside the dome of the temple
25: Arrival in Lima
26: Arrival on Easter Island
27: Obsidian disk retrieved
28: The statue is unearthed
29: Back to Lima
30: The Watching God can see again
31: Found ancient objects on the beach
32: Found a rongorongo tablet
33: Bad guys on dig site
34: An explosive shed
35: A jungle chasm
36: Got the rope
37: Menendez fell in the chasm
38: Crystal Skull obtained
39: Inside the observatory
40: Rotating the skeleton
41: Fight in Peiping temple
42: Fighter is dead
43: The farm
44: Inside the tomb
45: The jade door is open
46: After the arrow trap
47: After the bridge
48: Inside the mausoleum
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File size : 647 kb

About the savegames

Default folder : RIDDLE\
Language : French
Difficulty level : By default
Version of the game : 2.05
Third party software : DOSBox
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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