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Two Worlds II
Cette page en Français   Genre : Role-Playing Game  
Last update: 07/21/2014   Year : 2010  
Source: Chordian  Franchise : Two Worlds  


1: Castle Vahkmaar 15:38
396 kb
2: Groms and dagger
518 kb
3: On my own
536 kb
4: Gate is now open
551 kb
5: Past shamans
1.10 Mb
6: Cheznaddar
870 kb
7: Sewers
447 kb
8: Tomb of Archpriest
1.02 Mb
9: Hatmandor
710 kb
10: Merchant's Guild
634 kb
11: Daxials
849 kb
12: Tomb of Archpriest
1.13 Mb
13: Lower level of mines
580 kb
14: Halhin
678 kb
15: Rustler's Run
621 kb
16: Jurban
568 kb
17: Grom's lair
568 kb
18: The payback
773 kb
19: Arghud's cave
446 kb
20: Another dungeon
394 kb
21: Tomb of Archpriest
807 kb
22: Erimos unfogged
550 kb
23: The fate of Jarrad
865 kb
24: The arena
698 kb
25: Arena completed
746 kb
26: Fluffy
488 kb
27: Past Southern Gate
631 kb
28: Zah'Dan
568 kb
29: Tomb of Archpriest
606 kb
30: Dragon Slayers' den
413 kb
31: Maliel's Tear
742 kb
32: The transaction
722 kb
33: Bought a house
707 kb
34: Way to the tower
689 kb
35: The tower of Fangs
761 kb
36: Fight the Reaper
776 kb
37: Tomb of Archpriest
855 kb
38: Archpriest Huni's tomb
582 kb
39: Archpriest Den's tomb
558 kb
40: Archpriest Sahura's tomb
521 kb
41: Archpriest Una's tomb
500 kb
42: Archpriest Teti's tomb
921 kb
43: Archpriest quest done
614 kb
44: New Ashos
719 kb
45: Timed garden killing
751 kb
46: Raptors?
585 kb
47: Using Lavarius' Stone
745 kb
48: The Lion
624 kb
49: Inside the Lion
713 kb
50: Scavenger camp
839 kb
51: The Swallows
870 kb
52: Execution
615 kb
53: Holy cave
506 kb
54: Ruined Ashos
693 kb
55: Shadows from the past
471 kb
56: Island
601 kb
57: Sordohan
555 kb
58: Into the swamp
693 kb
59: Lightning boss
853 kb
60: Met the witch
593 kb
61: Old cemetery
835 kb
62: Fighting Garadel
402 kb
63: Tell the Prophet
586 kb
64: Vahkmaar
469 kb
65: Big ass dungeon
472 kb
66: Last battle
490 kb
67: Epilogue
597 kb
68: My home
742 kb
69: Another island
615 kb
70: Last save
786 kb
Download all the savegames
File size : 48.0 Mb

About the savegames

Default folder : C:\User\YOUR_WINDOWS_LOGIN\Saved Games\Two Worlds
Language : English
Difficulty level : Easy
Version of the game : 1.3.5
Third party software : Steam
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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