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Two Worlds: Epic Edition
Cette page en Français   Genre : Role-Playing Game  
Last update: 07/20/2014   Year : 2008  
Source: Chordian  Franchise : Two Worlds  


1: Outside temple
652 kb
2: Cave with bandits
754 kb
3: Pale Stone Cave
790 kb
4: Forgotten Settlement
801 kb
5: Teleport Stone
872 kb
6: Berserker training
892 kb
7: Covengor Village
892 kb
8: All magic schools
836 kb
9: Dwarf mine
771 kb
10: Leaving excavation
887 kb
11: Devil's Chamber
859 kb
12: My own house
996 kb
13: Pack of wolves
926 kb
14: Permanent potions
937 kb
15: Earth Claw Tower
897 kb
16: Game crashes here
811 kb
17: Insects for Sigyor
1.02 Mb
18: Cathalon Capital City
1.02 Mb
19: Better gear
974 kb
20: Pirate Virgul
962 kb
21: Clovelly quests done
1.02 Mb
22: Qudinaar City
1.10 Mb
23: Dark place
1.05 Mb
24: King Satrius' Tomb
975 kb
25: Storm Claw Tower
1.10 Mb
26: South of the river
1.09 Mb
27: Ashos City
1.20 Mb
28: Temple in Ashos
1016 kb
29: Orcs in Ashos
1.06 Mb
30: Ashos fully looted
1.04 Mb
31: Water Claw Tower
1.16 Mb
32: Fire Claw Tower
1.10 Mb
33: Gor Gammar
1.02 Mb
34: Inside Gor Gammar
1.02 Mb
35: Mighty trees
1.07 Mb
36: Drak'ar Desert
1.04 Mb
37: Death Claw Tower
1.16 Mb
38: Gandohar's Castle
1.18 Mb
39: The Enclave
1.17 Mb
40: All roads traversed
1.30 Mb
41: Ready for Gandohar
1.34 Mb
42: Gandohar's Castle
1.17 Mb
43: Winged demon killed
1.14 Mb
Download all the savegames
File size : 47.5 Mb

About the savegames

Default folder : TwoWorlds Files\Players\Chordian\Single\
Language : English
Difficulty level : -
Version of the game : Retail
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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