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Worms United
Cette page en Français   Genre : Strategy  
Last update: 11/14/2003   Year : 1996  
Source: PC Savegames  Franchise : Worms  


Mission 1: If Milky Can… (VERYEASY)
Mission 2: Old And Sad (OHSOEASY)
Mission 3: Unchained Maniacs (UNCHAINS)
Mission 4: Failcol Popsters (BJORNPOP)
Mission 5: Over Rated Wasters (DODGEMAX)
Mission 6: Old Generation (STARTURN)
Mission 7: Almost Fluffy (HEYGEOFF)
Mission 8: Reserve Dogs (REZDOGGY)
Mission 9: Kung Fu Fighting (HIGHKICK)
Mission 10: Mamma Mia! (LONG AGO)
Mission 11: Only 3 Left! (HEY JOHN)
Mission 12: It's Mad Colin (SATANICS)
Mission 13: Four Horsemen (NEARDEAD)
Mission 14: Scumbags (SCUMBAGZ)
Mission 15: Old Dears… (GOOD BYE)
Mission 16: Alien Abduction (TRUTHOUT)
Mission 17: The Truth (17THKIND)
Mission 18: Vikings Arrive (GOGOGOGO)
Mission 19: Puppet Time (PIGSPACE)
Mission 20: Firemen! (TRUMPTON)
Mission 21: Hitch Hikers (PARANOID)
Mission 22: Outbreak ! (MIXTURES)
Mission 23: Paranoïa (VERY MAD)
Mission 24: The Great War (INSANITY)
Mission 25: The Final Cut (GREATGIG)
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File size : 1.72 kb

About the savegames

Default folder : Worms\
Language : English
Difficulty level : By default
Version of the game : Retail
Third party software : DOSBox
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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