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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - The Fallen
Cette page en Français   Genre : Action  
Last update: 07/02/2014   Year : 2000  
Source: Chordian  Franchise : Star Trek  


1: Training Map-443
1.52 Mb
2: Bajoran Ship - Ke'el Tul-1654
1.90 Mb
3: DS9 - Ops-6274
673 kb
4: Caves
977 kb
5: Ulysses
1.64 Mb
6: After Defiant Takeover
1.85 Mb
7: Cardassian Base
1.30 Mb
8: Biophysics Lab
1.81 Mb
9: Grigaris at DS9
1.40 Mb
10: Underground
763 kb
11: Temple
1.94 Mb
12: Prison
1.43 Mb
13: Disguise
1.12 Mb
14: Jeraddo - Mine-975
1.56 Mb
15: Jeraddo - Temple-2122
1.95 Mb
16: DS9 - Promenade-2751
1.84 Mb
17: DS9 - Pylon 2-2762
850 kb
18: SR-III-3777
1.50 Mb
19: SR-III-4381
1.50 Mb
20: SR-III-393
739 kb
21: SR-III-841
775 kb
22: U.S.S. Ulysses-1569
1.68 Mb
23: Arduria-2359
811 kb
24: Arduria-557
962 kb
25: DS9 - Ops-2252
665 kb
26: HassÆterral - Island-2271
988 kb
27: HassÆterral - Laboratory-5320
1.52 Mb
28: DS9 - Computer Core-7019
1.29 Mb
Download all the savegames
File size : 40.4 Mb

About the savegames

Default folder : -
Language : English
Difficulty level : -
Version of the game : Retail
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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